Aircraft structures is the study of the methods of manufacturing aircraft so that their structure can withstand any potential stresses and strains as well as being able to be produced and assembled quickly, cheaply, and safely.Structures lab has some of the most advanced equipment which are regularly upgraded by obsolescence removal program.Facilities include:
Vibration Fundamentals
Training System
The Vibration Fundamentals Training System is a turn key integerated educational package for teaching/learning the fundamental principles of mechanical vibration as well as engineering mechanics.
Shake Table
ETS Solutions Shaker Systems applies basic shaker theory to its shaker components. Additional components combine to meet the specific performance specifications in shaker testing.
Photo Elasticity
This Equipment to carry out practical exercises about photoelasticity for 2 or 3 users illustrates the photoelasticity theory, as well as the elasticity theory, strength of material and structure theory.
Virtual Work

Virtual work and the associated calculus of variations were formulated to analyze systems of rigid bodies,but they have also been developed for the study of the mechanics of deformable bodies.
Shear Centre of the Cross section

Equipment is for determination of Shear Centre of the Cross section.
Pin Jointed FrameWorks

1.To allow the study of strains within various true pin jointed frameworks
2.To allow the study of stresses within various true pin jointed frameworks
3.To arrange a variety of frameworks including roof trusses, warren girder
4.Introducing students to strain gauging technology
5.Comparison of different frameworks
6.Comparison of actual and theoretical resultss.
Forces in a Truss

1.To measure the axial strain and hence force in each member of a pin-jointed truss for comparison with calculated theoretical values
2.To compare experimental results with the member forces calculated by resolution of the forces at joints
3.Measure strains exerted on each truss member
4.To view compressive and tensile forces/strains.

INSTRON 1342 servo hydraulic material testing machine has static loading capacity of 0 to 250 KN with wide range of loading rates, has dynamic loading capacity of 0 to + 250 KN with a fequency upto 15 HZ and amplitude accurately controlled. The data acquisition system is incorporated in a HP-310 computer. The attachments include tesion grip, compression grip, compression platen and 3-point bending measurement. Some industrial consultancy works are udertaken.
Vibration Test Facilities

Different types of vibration shakers along with power amplifiers, oscillators, wide range of accelerometers with charge amplifiers are availabe for vibration tests. The measuring instruments include spectral analyzer, vibration meters, frequency filters, oscilloscopes, millivoltmeters and level recorder.
Photoelastic Bench
The Photoelastic bench consists of 060-series transmission polariscope and 030-series reflection polariscope having entire range of attachments to the system. Various types of stress analysis problems for class-room purpose and for research work are being carried out.
Universal Testing Machine
UTM is a very versatile, rugged and hydraulically operated static testing machine with loading capacity of 0 to 100 KN. The attachments include tension grip, compression platen and three point bending set-up.