Research in Aerodynamics
High angle of attack aerodynamics
Strake and Canard Configuration.
Longitudinal and Lateral Stability.
Numerical Code Development.
Bluff Body Aerodynamics
Drag Reduction using MBBC.
Development of Navier-Stokes Solver.
Industrial Aerodynamics
Numerical Code for Wind Flow Pattern over 3-D Bodies.
Interference Effect between Two Tall Buildings.
Wind Engineering
Aerodynamic Stability of Vertical Axis Wind Turbines.
Statistical Analysis of Wind Turbine Energy Output.
Solar Augmented Wind Engineering.
Wind Engineering
Atmospheric Boundary Layer.
Data collection from Micro-Meteorological Tower.
Atmospheric Boundary Layer Model for Tropical Country(MONTBLEX).
Fan Blade Aerodynamics
Design for Improved Blade Performance Consultancy.
Work for Orient Fan Company.
Grid Generation
Structural Grids of different topologies around arbitrary 3-D shapes.
Unstructued Grids in 2-D (DT and AF).
Unstructued Grids in 3-D (DT).
N-S Solvers
Explicit and Implicit Codes.
Compressible and Incompressible Flows.
Algebric and Two Equations Turbulance Model.
Euler Solver
Complete Aircraft with Stores Treatable.
Subsonic, Transsonic, Supersonic free streams.
Symmetric and Asymmetric Flight Conditions.
High AOA Capacity.
Unsteady Capability using Implicit Unstructured Dynamic Mesh algorithm.
Unsteady Transonic and Subsonic Codes
Calculation of Oscillatory Airloads.
Transonic Small Disturbance and Linearised Potential Equations.
Complete Aircraft Geometry Treatable.
Generalised loads for Aeroelasticity Calculations.
Static and Dynamic Stability Derivatives.
Umteady Implicit Euler Solver involving Unstructured Dynamic Mesh.
Panel Codes
Variety of Panel codes to calculate Steady and Oscillatory/Unsteady Flow past
complete Aircraft configurations inlcuding Pylon, Store and Nacelle.
Some ability to model Flow Separation from sharp edges.
Estimation of Viscous Effects
Integral Technique to Solve Boundary Layer Equations.
Complete Aircraft Geometry - Flaps and Slats treatable.
Direct and Semi-Inverse mode of Coupling.
High AOA (well upto the stall ) capability.