Research in Structures
Flutter Alleviation
Landing Gear Dynamics
Structural health Monitoring
Nano Composite
A nanocomposite is a multiphase solid material where one of the phases has one, two or three dimensions of less than 100 nanometers (nm), or structures having nano-scale repeat distances between the different phases that make up the material.
Smart Structures
Structures that are capable of sensing and reacting to their environment in a predictable and desired manner, through the integration of various elements, such as sensors, actuators, power sources, signal processors, and communications network.
Adaptive Finite Elements Method
More advanced implementations (adaptive finite element methods) utilize a method to assess the quality of the results (based on error estimation theory) and modify the mesh during the solution aiming to achieve approximate solution within some bounds from the 'exact' solution of the continuum problem.
Thermal Response of Sandwich Panels
This study was undertaken to develop and demonstrate the validity of an analytical model for predicting the transient temperature response in honeycomb sandwich panels subjected to variable heat loads on one or both faces.
Uncertainty Quantification in Aircraft Analysis and Design
Uncertainty quantification (UQ) is the science of quantitative characterization and reduction of uncertainties in applications. It tries to determine how likely certain outcomes are if some aspects of the system are not exactly known.
Enviromental Effects on Composites
Moisture, Temperature, NaCl and Sulphuric Acid soln., Thermal Spikes
and freezing on Composites properties. Microprocessor Controlled
Climatic Chamber.
Hygrothermal Effects on Composite Pin Joints
Moisture and Temperature on Joint Strength.
Single and Multiple Pin Joints.
Glass, Kevler, Carbon and Hybrid Composites with various laminations and Fibre orientations.
Static and Cyclic loading.
Micromechanics of Composites
Moisture Diffusion Characteristics.
Determination of Diffusivities.
Effects of Periodic Moisture Exposure effects of Fibre shapes.
Impact Behavior of Composites
Higher Order Theories.
Impact Dynamics on Composites and Sandwitch Beams, Plates and Shells.
Damage Intimation and Propogation.
Hygrothermal Effects on Conposite Structures
Finite Element Analysis.
First Order Shear Deformation.
Bending, Free Vibration and Buckling.
Beams, Plates and Shells.
Thermostructural analysis and Highly Heated composite Structures
Integrated Thermal and Structural Analysis using Finite Element.
Metaland Ceramic Matrix Composites and Multidirectional Carbon-Carbon Composites.
Finite Elements for 1D, 2D, 3D, Beam, Plate, Shells of revolution and arbitrary Shell problems.
Vibration, Buckling and Parametric Instabilities of structures
Beams, Plates with or without Cutouts.
Damping Characteristics.
Effects of Localized Damages.
Non-Uniform Inplane Loading.
Wave Propogation in Periodic Structures
Vibration of Stiffened Periodic Panels.
Acoustic Response of Periodic Panels.
Flutter Analysis.
Composite Shell Structures
Bending, Vibration and Forced Vibration of Cylindrical, Spherical, Paraboloid of Revolution, Hyper, Saddle, Conoidal Shells.
Delaminated Composites
Delamination Modelling.
Multiple Delaminating.
Beams, Plates, Shells.
Bending, Vibration and Impact Behavior.
Composite Pretwisted Blades
Varying thickness,Width, pretwist.
Rotational and Translational effects.
Dynamics Behavior.
Sloshing and Coupled Slosh Dynamics
Composite Containers.
Slosh Frequency and Modes.
Slosh Response.
Coupled Interaction.
Acoustic Response of Composite Structures
Combined BEM and FEM.
Coupled Solution for Acoustic-Structures Interaction.
Adaptive Composite Structures
Piezo-laminate Beam, Plates, Shells.
Vibration and Deformation control.
Control stategy and Experimentation