Research Scholar's Day
The Research Scholar's Day (RSD) is an annual event celebrated by the MS and PhD students. As part of the programme the student showcase their research work through posters and presentations to the attendees which helps in recognition, feedback, collaborations, etc.
RSD 2013-2014 was celebrated on December, 20, 2013. The Day witnessed an enthusiastic participation by the students and faculty members in this fifth edition of RSD. Prof. Samit Roy, William D. Jordan Professor, University of Alabama, USA attend the event as the Cheif Guest and Prof. Sanjay Mittal, Aerospace Engineering, IIT Kanpur was the Guest of Honor. The event was further graced by the presence of Prof. P.P.Chakrabarti, Direcotor, IIT Kharagpur and Prof. A.N.Samanta, Dean PGS & R, IIT Kharagpur.