Doctor of Philosophy
Admission to Ph.D. progran is on the basis of overall academic carreer, written test and interview conducted by the Department. All candidates seekig admission to Ph.D. program shall have to possess 60% marks (or a CGPA of 6.5 in 10 point scales) in the qualifying examinations. Candidates with B.Tech. or equivalent degree must have valid GATE score. A GATE score is not mandatory for candidates with M.Tech. or equivalent degree or for sponsored candidates. However, candidates seeking Institute Research Assistantship will have to possess a valid GATE score that is above the cut off level (accepted for M.Tech. admission in a particular year). Ph. D. program is research intensive program where the student is expected to conduct original work under the supervision of one or more faculty members. The award of the Ph. D. degree is made on the basis of satisfactory performance in prescribed course work and seminar and the thesis submitted by the student and a final viva-voce. The thesis submitted shall be report of the original research work in an area of Aerospace Engineering.